How to Naturally repel ticks
My family and I encountered our first tick after a weekend trips to Long Island. My daughter, then only two years old, had one latched onto her neck in a very discreet area. It was already fully engorged. Meaning it had been feasting on her blood and had grown to almost double its size. It was a little scary for us, since we were new parents. We didn't know much about ticks besides the fact that they can carry lyme disease. We immediately took if off, put it in a zip lock bag, and got on the internet to do research.
During our internet searching we found Rutgers which was a huge help at answering all our questions when we phoned. For a fee we sent the tick in to get tested for being a carrier of lyme disease.
In the years to come our family grew to 3 more children and each child got a tick after one of our trips to Long Island. It became a routine of always checking the kids for ticks, pulling them off, and for each child we eventually missed one and used Rutgers Lab testing.
Two Years ago we took a 9 month trip up the coast in our camper. After two weeks of camping and pulling off a ridiculous amount of ticks I was fed up. I knew I had to find a solution. There was no way we could continue as we were for the remainder of our trip. After more internet research I discovered that Rose Geranium essential oil could easily deter not only mosquitos, which I already knew, but DEER TICKS TOO!
We immediately found our nearest whole foods and bought the essential oils we needed. Once we began using the spray we found no more ticks. I knew the spray worked because we would be in a camping spot and there were moments I would let the kids out to play before spraying them in the first couple of weeks of using the spray. The equation was simple.
No Spray= A Tick
Spray = No Ticks
Of course it became a must everyday to spray ourselves.
We have been using this spray for a little over 2 years now and have had no tick incidents. We have been exploring in many "Tick Zones".
I knew I had to share this with everyone. There is no reason everyone should not be able to enjoy nature.
You can buy your own bottle of my spray on my Etsy Shop.